Command Prefix
(Command Class)
Special read, Communication parameters
P (Put)
Write HEX data into RAM
W (Write)
Write HEX data into EEPROM. 1,000,000 writes to EEPROM is guaranteed!
G (Get)
Read HEX data from RAM
R (Read)
Read HEX data from EEPROM
Read status byte
Read measurement data string in decimal format
Read measurement data values in decimal format

Command Formats
For "P" and "W" Command classes: For "G" and "R" Command classes: For "X", "V", "U", "D", "E", and"Z" Command classes:
Point-to-point mode
Multipoint mode
nnccc (<data>)<cr>
Point-to-point mode
ccc <cr>
Multipoint mode
nnccc <cr>
Point-to-point mode
ccc <cr>
Multipoint mode
nnccc <cr>

Where "*" is the selected Recognition Character. You may select any ASCII table symbol from "!" (HEX address "21") to the right-hand brace (HEX "7D") except for the caret "^", "A", "E", which are reserved for bus format request."(nn)" are the two ASCII characters for the device Bus Address. Use values from "00" to hex "C7" (199 decimal).

stands for the hex-ASCII Command Class letter (one of eleven given in table 3.12), followed by the two hex-ASCII Command Suffix characters identifying the meter data, features or menu items to which the command is directed (given in table 3.13).

is the string of characters containing the variable information the computer is sending to the meter. These data (whether BCD or binary) are encoded into hex-ASCII characters, two characters to the byte. Square brackets (indicating optional status) enclose this string, since some commands contain no data.

"<nn>" is the device address for RS485 communication and the max is 199 in decimal.

1. To reset the controller, send *Z02
2. To read setpoint 1, send *R01
3. To change setpoint 1 to 100.0, send *W01 20 03E8 (3E8 is HEX value at 1000) 2 stands for decimal position, 0 is illegal.TC/RTD 1 or 2, PROCESS 1, 2, 3, or 4.
4. To change setpoint 1 to -100.0, send *W01 A0 03E8 most significant bit of the most significant nibble is the sign.
5. To send the same as in 4 for RS485 of transmit address 01 the command is *01W01A03E8.

NOTE: Default settings are Recog. Char. ô*ö, 9600bps, 7 data, 1 stop, and Odd Parity.

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